So I have decided to blog every day for the next 30 days.  I will share what I am up to and how I have stepped out of my comfort zone that particular day.  I will share how I deal with various situations and the outcomes.

I am back in the UK at the moment for the whole of August and thought it would be a good idea to do this now as I know I am going to be attending many events while I am here and meeting lots of people.

I was up bright and early this morning to travel to a training session in Peterborough for our network marketing business where I was delivering a talk on mindset.  Since we had only just arrived back from Spain last night, I didn’t have much time to prepare the training so was a little panicky putting it together.

When we arrived, I found out that my slot wasn’t until after the break, so I was a little relieved as I had time to relax and read through my notes.

Half way through the morning session, I was asked by my good friend and colleague if I would lead one of the small groups in a workshop style training.  I said ‘of course’ and then started to wonder what would be involved!

We split into groups, and were told what to do.  Each of the leaders of the small groups had to report back to everyone else what the group had discussed.  At one time not so long ago this would have been my worst nightmare!  It was still hard for me, but I handled it, and it was made easier for me as the people in my group were quite chatty.

My husband Jaime’s training slot was before mine and he always seems so relaxed, and he’s so FUNNY!  I used to find it hard to get up and speak after him as he is so amusing when he speaks.  But I have now accepted that I just have to be myself and it doesn’t matter if I aren’t funny, the main thing is that I deliver the message.

I was really nervous today, as always, but I don’t think the nerves ever go away.  And I don’t want them to really, because I believe that when we are nervous, one, it shows that we care and two, it turns into adrenalin the minute you stand up.

I always remember author Paul McGee’s tip – Instead of being nervous, be ADRENALISED.  This always makes me feel better.
Just before I was due to stand up and give my talk I managed to sneak to the ladies and I hold a power pose for just a few seconds, its all I had – but I believe it made a difference!

Anyway, the talk went well I think, and at the end when everyone in the room has to say a couple of words about what they got out of the training, there were quite a few mentions of my mindset talk.  It is a subject I feel so strongly about that I really wanted to get the message across properly.

It was lovely to catch up with people today, its a get together that I find quite easy to handle as everyone is so friendly and there to learn and better themselves.

Here’s a quote from my training….

‘The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief’
David Schwartz

See you tomorrow

Adele x


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