After one last snack sitting in a window near to Euston Station, we caught our train home earlier today.  It has been a fantastic weekend.  I took advantage of the 1 hour 30 minute train ride and read from my Kindle.  I read a couple of stories from Chicken Soup For The Entrepreneur’s Soul.  I love the Chicken Soup series as they are crammed full of feel good stories that are easy to read if you have just a few minutes.

I love this quote that appears at the front of the book;

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.”

Mark Twain

And another couple that appear later on in the chapters;

“They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”  

Andy Warhol

None of us can change our yesterdays, but all of us can change our tomorrows.”

Colin Powell.

I love quotes, coming across the right quote at the right time I believe has the potential to be life changing.  I collect quotes, I keep them in notebooks and also I have a list of them in the notes section of my phone so that when I have a spare few minutes I can read through them.  I also have a quotes board on Pinterest which is fantastic because combined with beautiful images they are even more powerful.

Because I love quotes so much it was one of my goals to include them in a book one day, so when I wrote 52 Tips For A Fantastic Year! last year, I included a quote at the end of every one of the 52 tips and I made each of the quotes relevant to the tip itself.


Why not go out today and treat yourself to a beautiful notebook and start to collect your own favourite quotes?

The Spanish girls, Sandra and Carmen who have been staying with us, fly home tomorrow so this evening we took them out to dinner one last time.  It has been a busy two weeks, but showing them around has really made sure that we have taken lots of time out together as a family.

We’ve been to the cities of London, Manchester and Chester, a farm in Cumbria, a wood in Shropshire and various different places in Staffordshire.  Something I noticed was that I think you actually appreciate things and places more when you are showing them to someone else.  I feel really proud and grateful to say that I can call England one of my homes.

See you tomorrow!

Adele x


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