Success Formula for Shy Entrepreneurs Online Video Course
This online program is based around my 4 step success formula.
My four step formula will show you how to be more confident, how to make communication easier, how to discover exactly what you want and how to develop a mindset for success. Everyone has aspirations and a dream, why shouldn’t you be living them on a daily basis?
1- Confidence
I specialise in helping you with your “shyness struggles” and show you how to grow your self-confidence.
I believe in building you up one step at a time, I can show you how to boost your confidence with my favourite techniques and ideas.
I will help you to discover your true strengths.

2- Communication
I will provide you with a simple toolbox that you can reach into whenever you need to communicate with confidence in your daily life and business.
We can all be good communicators, it’s more simple than you may think. I have learned and practiced some simple techniques that will make it so much easier to hold and make conversations and allow the best version of you to come across.
3- Calling
What makes you come alive? If you don’t already know, I’ll help you to discover it and show you a way to manifest it into your life. Achieve success doing exactly what it is that you love to do.
- When you have a strong enough why you will find and achieve any how.
- What are you pulled towards? What do you really want to achieve?
- What are you passionate about?
- What is it that you should be focussing your energy on?
- I will help you to find out what it is that you should be doing to create a happy, successful life.
- Learn how to discover your why and how to live it in your everyday life.

4- Consciousness
I will help you to program your mind for success and teach you how to attract success.
A positive mindset is the key to a happy and successful life. I have become passionate about mindset and how it can improve our lives and I want to share what I have learned with you so that you too can change your life for the better.
I am also passionate about the law of attraction and I live by it daily.
I will help you to program your mind for success and teach you how to attract success
A positive mindset is the key to a happy and successful life.
I have become passionate about mindset and how it can improve our lives and I want to share what I have learned with you so that you too can change your life for the better.
I am also passionate about the law of attraction and I live by it daily.
Who this course is for.
Entrepreneurs who struggle with confidence, speaking and promoting themselves
Professionals who are already successful in their work but are feeling very uncomfortable because they are now in the spotlight in their new role.
Shy people who have a dream to become successful but who lack confidence in themselves and are fearful of putting anything out into the world.
Success Formula For Shy Entrepreneurs is a four part formula that will take you from low confidence to being confident enough to share your talents with the world.
- Are you living to your full potential?
- Do you feel that you are entrepreneurial but too scared to put something out there?
- Is your lack of confidence, low self esteem or shyness stopping from doing what you want to do?
- Do you put your dream on hold because you fear that you will have to communicate with others?
- Do you worry about what people will think of your ideas and so you keep them to yourself?
- Maybe you are self conscious and you daren’t speak up in front of groups of people?
- It doesn’t have to be this way any longer!
- I’m here to help you to make some positive changes in your life so that you can be more confident, happy, fulfilled and………successful!
You will benefit from this if you desire……..
- More confidence to pursue your dream
- More happiness on a daily basis
- More success in your life
- To be able to share your ideas with the world
- To earn good money doing what you love
It even works if you’re not shy!
- Don’t consider yourself shy? No problem….you can still benefit from this course.
- The steps I cover will work for anyone. I just happen to be shy and they worked for me, so if I can succeed so can you.
So why should you listen to me???
- I was not happy, working for someone else, desperate to have my own business, deep down inside I knew I was meant for more, but I was too scared to push myself forward.
- Then came the turning point. I discovered how to make simple, small, positive changes that were to change my life forever.
- I will share with you the ideas and techniques I have used. They are all simple things that you can action straight away.
- I have learned about and practiced lots of simple techniques to make myself a better version of myself. To arrive at the perfect formula, I spent over 20 years searching out and testing all the most effective strategies for boosting confidence, communicating effectively as an introverted person and achieving success without needing to magically become a different person. I have read lots and lots of books, attended lots of seminars, workshops, conferences and online courses. I have taken the absolute best of all of them and created my 4 step success formula so that you have everything all in one place.
- I took the best and left the rest! Think of my course as a shortcut to your success.
What’s included?
- 13 training Videos
- Workbook
- 1 x Bonus video
- 1 x Guided Visualisation
- My actual list of affirmations that gets me results on a continual basis
- Daily success tracker
- 6 x printable PDFs
1. Affirmations List2. Personal Growth Book Tracker3. Recommended Reading List
4. Shy Persons Guide to Networking
5. Shy Persons Guide to Success
6. Success Formula Daily Checklist - Includes life time access to 6 hours of video trainings & PDFs
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