Shy people often don’t set and pursue goals because they think that the actions required will take them too far out of their comfort zone.   This is how I used think.  Although I wanted success, and I had a vision of what I wanted my life to look like, I didn’t believe that it was possible for me, because I wasn’t the right type of person.

What I discovered was that anyone can achieve the things they want out of life if they develop the right habits and right mindset.  It didn’t take a special kind of person, just a few new ideas incorporated into daily life.  When I looked into it, all sorts of people were achieving success regardless of whether they were introvert, extrovert, shy or confident.

The truth is we all have massive potential, every one of us, and if we did only a fraction of what we were capable of we would be amazed!

Here’s a few ideas to get you moving in the direction of your dreams!

1. It all starts with gratitude, gratitude has so much power.  Be happy with what you have now in order to achieve what you really want.

“I am completely satisfied, I just want more!”

Start by feeling gratitude for all the little things in your everyday life, things that we often take for granted.

When you see people who have what you want, instead of wishing that it was yours, feel genuinely happy for them knowing that it is on its way to you some time soon.

You will be amazed how quickly your gratitude will become a habit, and it will make a huge difference in how you approach your daily tasks.

2. Only when your goals are established and written down can you start to move towards them. Something magical happens when you put pen to paper, you will receive ideas and hunches that will move you forwards if you act upon them.

3. Make sure that your goals are true to you and are what you really want.  If they don’t excite you, you will not stay committed to them throughout the course.

4. Decide that you will be 100% committed to achieving your dream.  Have a sense of conviction about you that will take you all the way to where you are going. “No matter what happens along the way, I will persist UNTIL I reach my goal.  I will do whatever it takes.”

I love this passage from W.H.Murray, the Scottish mountaineer…….

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen events, meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way.

I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!”

W.H. Murray

5. Believe you can do it because  “Whatever you choose to believe you make real”

Instead of focussing on what you can’t do, focus on what you CAN do.
Make a list of all the things that you can do effortlessly and the things that you enjoy doing. These are your talents.

6. Find yourself a mentor, someone who has become successful doing what you want to do.  If you don’t have access to someone you can physically talk to or meet with, there are numerous books and CDs that you can read or listen to to access the information.

7. Teamwork makes the dream work, discover the strengths of the people around you.
Share each others talents.  If there is something that you can’t do, pay someone to do it for you rather than wasting time trying to learn how to do it yourself.  You will be amazed how reasonably you can get things done if you look around.  You can then spend your time more wisely and more productively.

8. It is important to focus on the future and not on the past, you can’t get to where you’re going if you focusing on where you’ve been. It doesn’t matter what you have or have not achieved in the past, this is a new start and anything is possible.

9.  Whilst on the path to your dreams, do your absolute best to serve people and always try to leave people better than you found them.  Look for ways to make a difference in people’s lives every day. Be a giver of your time, your expertise or your listening skills for example.  What you give comes back.

10. Find a way to bounce back when you feel down, recognise the feeling immediately and jump up and do something energetic, go for a walk or put some music on, whatever it takes to get you feeling back on track.

11. Be consistent.  One of my favourite mentors Jim Rohn, said  “Success is just a few simple disciplines practiced every day”

Achieving your goals and dreams is possible for you, if you focus on developing some simple habits. The accumulation of these habits over time will be astounding.

12. Finally don’t wait for a perfect plan to get started, just get started now!

“You don’t have to be great to get started but you do have to get started to be great.”

Wishing you all the best in the realisation of your dreams!

Adele x

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