How is it nearly Christmas? It honestly feels like I have only just put the decorations away and here we are getting them out again.

I love Christmas though! It is my favourite time of the year, especially the lead up to Christmas once all the shopping is complete. I actually think that Christmas Eve is my favourite day of all.

Anyway, I have a little December update for you.

You can watch the video above or carry on reading if you prefer.

Lots of exciting things have been happening. I attended a marketing course with my husband Jaime last week. He managed to get me an invite as there was a guest speaker who I really liked the sound of. His name was Grant LeBoff.  I liked him and could relate to him, he was unassuming. He had some fantastic tips and told a lot of stories which really helped what he was teaching to sink in.


One of the things he was talking about was the fact that we have the same 24 hours in a day currently, but we feel like we have less time. He was a similar age to me and he reminded us that when we were young, we would come home from school and have a choice of a couple of channels on the TV. If we wanted to read a book, we could visit the library or purchase one from WHS. We didn’t have the endless choices of TV channels and sources of information that we have online today. There was no email, no internet and only one phone line into the house.

In today’s world we are constantly being bombarded by messages on email, WhatsApp, messenger, Instagram etc and we have an endless selection of media that we can choose from. We are never bored, if we have 10 minutes to spare, we scroll social media.

I think it is a good thing to actually be bored sometimes, to give ourselves a break from being constantly stimulated by outside sources. When was the last time that you actually did nothing?

So, that’s the answer to why we feel like we never have enough time and we feel like we are chasing our tails trying to keep up with our responses to the multiple things that are demanding our attention.

Same amount of time, millions of things going on.

This is one of the reasons I love Christmas so much. We can actually sit and enjoy some quiet time without so many distractions.

So, now for my news!

I have applied to do a TED Talk!

Yes! This has been a dream of mine for a long time! My local university are holding the event and it’s the university I attended myself too. Even if I don’t get picked, I feel like it took courage to apply so I’m quite proud of myself. The event is taking place in February and I will find out if I have been successful at the beginning of January. I’ve ordered this book, I figured that it’s a sign to the universe that I am getting myself ready!

My other news is that the new shop is now live on my website and has books, planners and courses available to buy. You can check it out here

Click here to view the shop

The last thing I shared in my video above was a little tour of my home and Christmas trees. I also share a present which I brought for myself that is now sitting under the tree ready for Christmas Day.

I wish you a very merry Christmas and I will see you in the New Year!

Adele x


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