I have since studied it in more detail and I’m always interested to read new books that emerge.
A book that I always refer to on the subject is Ask and It Is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks. I must admit that I was reluctant to read anything by this couple initially, as I had heard that Esther often spoke through her spiritual guide, Abraham, and it felt a bit strange.
However, I had heard so much about them that I decided to give it a go, and I ordered Ask & It Is Given. It is a fantastic book, and it enabled me to totally understand the Law of Attraction. Esther puts it across in such a simple way, and I do love simplicity!
Just a couple of months ago, I received a notification from Amazon about a new book called “The Beginning of Everything You Want” by Sarah Morgan. I felt a hunch to buy it, so I ordered it straight to my Kindle.
This book is fantastic too! Sarah breaks things down into daily exercises for 21 days. I haven’t actually completed the book yet, but I have been consistently carrying out the exercises from the first 5 days.
Dream Day Journal
Where the Law of Attraction is concerned, it is really important that you feel good. Therefore this exercise works because when you write and think about things that you would choose to do during your dream day, you will automatically feel good, and get into the feeling place of what it would be like.
The better it gets the better it gets
When you have been writing in your journal for a few days, you will start to see evidence that the Law of Attraction is working for you, so record these things in your journal too. It could just be that you feel happier, things start to happen in your favour, or……..good things actually start to manifest! This is your manifesting evidence list. I will give you a quick example of something that happened for me……
We were going away for 2 nights to attend a training with Oriflame, so I packed my case, but then on the journey I suddenly realised that I hadn’t taken my cleanser off the bathroom shelf. When we arrived at the meeting we took our places and there were goodie bags on the table for each of us. Inside the bags were three products, one of which was the new gel cleanser that was due to be launched! Amazing!
Inspired Actions
Try these things out and see for yourself how they work.
Guided Visualisation
So, that’s what I have been up to lately, and of course I have been busy with Oriflame and also our dog boarding business is getting more clients too! I have to pinch myself when a new resident turns up and their owners pay me to look after them! I really feel like I have my dream jobs right now!
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