Hello there!
In this post I am sharing and talking about these 5 things that have inspired me recently. There is a more detailed video version below if you would rather watch and listen.
I love it when something inspires me! It gives me a feeling of true happiness and really lifts me up! I try to make notes in my journal of everything that I find inspirational so that I have a record of these things. If you go through your day looking for things that inspire you, you will find that you are less likely to get caught up in any negative thoughts or feelings.
So here are the 5 things that I felt I had to share in this post;
1. A new and easy way to meditate
I took a course recently and at the beginning of one of the live calls we had 2 minutes of meditation. It was a visual meditation, a video was played on the screen and there was an image of a circle and a pointer was moving around the circle telling you when to breathe in, when to pause and when to breath out. It took some concentration and really made me focus on my breathing with no distractions. I enjoyed it and I have been using it since in between my regular meditation sessions. We also journaled to music on the call and I found this helped with the journalling process so I have been trying this out too. During lockdown when we couldn’t visit coffee shops, I brought the coffee shop to me in my own kitchen by listening to some coffee shop music, I have also found that this is very good for journalling to.
Calm visual meditation https://youtu.be/aNXKjGFUlMs
Journalling music I mentioned https://youtu.be/iwt0qSAynqY
Example of coffee shop music https://youtu.be/dBsfUtjTbi0
2. How I am approaching my Instagram account
I created a new Instagram account recently called Personal Development Cafe (@personal_development_cafe)
It has taken me a while to start a new account since I lost my old one last year, but I decided it was time for a fresh start.
I am sharing quotes, affirmations, tips and photos of things that inspire me. I am sharing what I love and not what I think will get likes and followers. I am looking at this account as a kind of hub for myself to visit and look at all of my favourite things to do with personal development.
Approaching it in this way feels so good. I always have something to share and it never feels like a chore.
3. An inspirational quote
I came across this quote from a lady called Allie Casazza – ‘Find the domino that will knock down all the other dominoes’
I thought this was genius! Sometimes we become so overwhelmed with the things we have to do that it feels like a massive chore and we don’t know where to start.
However, if we examine all the items on the list, we can probably figure out that by completing just one of them we eliminate a lot of the other items too. Once we knock over that first domino, it knocks over all the others with it. You could also use this idea when looking at all the things that are holding you back in your life. Is there one thing that if you worked on that alone, it would help with all the other things too?
4. Your champagne moment
I received an email recently from John Williams, author of the book Screw Work Let’s Play. He was talking about champagne moments.
What are you going to do when you reach your goal? How are you going to celebrate?
Are you going to pop the champagne?
Have a think about how you could celebrate. Where will you go? Who will be with you?
Not only is this really exciting but it is also a form of visualisation. When we can visualise a moment vividly and describe it in detail, it sinks deep into our subconscious mind and the Law of Attraction will provide the inspiration and assist us on the way to our desired achievement.
5. What I have been reading
I am currently reading Happy Sexy Millionaire by Steven Bartlett. It’s a fantastic book!
A quote that has stood out to me and really inspired me is this one;
“Sometimes you have to call off the search, in order to find everything you have been searching for”
I love this quote. Sometimes just by being quiet and taking the time to relax, we allow exactly what it is that we really love and are passionate about to come to reveal itself.
Click below to watch the video version;
Thank you for reading and/or watching. This is my first blog post on my new website and I will be blogging regularly from now on. There are lots of previous posts available too if you wish to have a read.
Have a fantastic day!
Adele x
Also just to let you know that my new course is now live on Udemy. The course is called 60 Minutes To Confident And Comfortable Communication.
You can find all the details here;
The course is £59.99 at full price and Udemy quite often discount it some more too.
If you would like more tips on how to be successful when you are shy, you can download my free ebook, The Shy Entrepreneur’s Guide To Success & Happiness here; https://www.adeledecaso.com
And if you would like to take a deeper dive with me and increase your confidence so that you can create success and happiness in your life, you can check out my online course Success Formula For Shy Entrepreneurs here https://adeledecaso.com/success-formula
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Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/adele.decaso
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/personal_de…
Website https://adeledecaso.com
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