Twenty one years ago, as a shy and timid, 24 year old, I  joined a business that was to change my life forever.  I didn’t know it at the time, but my Kleeneze home shopping business was going to be the vehicle that allowed me to discover the amazing world of personal development, live my life to the full, enjoy unlimited time freedom, travel the world and have the opportunity to see my children growing up, never missing a day of their amazing young lives.

I am so grateful to Kleeneze, it helped me to gain belief and confidence in myself and I learned to stretch out of my comfort zone and do things I never thought I was capable of.

5 weeks ago, Kleeneze went into administration.

It has been a very emotional time, Kleeneze has been a part of me for nearly half of my life.  It hasn’t only been a career, it’s been a way of life…..a family, all striving for our goals together.

We have been fighting to save it……generous people within the fantastic network have come together to offer their time and money so that this fabulous company might be able to trade once more.  The amazing managing director has been working tirelessly to find a potential buyer for the 95 year old British company.

I do believe that Kleeneze will be back, but it is going to take time.

As well as an emotional time, it has been a challenging time, so I have been doing lots of work on my mindset lately.  I have been reading from ‘Ask and It Is Given‘ by Esther & Gerry Hicks, and I have been writing endless lists of what I am grateful for.

I have also continued to write my goals down.  Like I said in my last post, don’t allow the a setback to shrink your dreams.

It has been a tough decision, but we have decided that it is time for us to find another way of creating an income for our lovely team while we wait for Kleeneze to launch once more.  We have done a lot of research and have found a company that we believe can offer our team a fantastic opportunity to create and grow a substantial income and allow them to continue on their personal development journey.  The company we have chosen is Oriflame which sells make up and beauty products.  I think it will be a perfect fit for ourselves and our team.

I love the way that network marketing offers people a chance to become the best version of themselves, thats why moving to another network marketing company was, I believe, the right thing to do.

I’ll be stepping out of my comfort zone in this new opportunity, I know I will.  There will be new things to learn and new people to meet, but I am really excited about it, and really looking forward to sharing it with others.

An exciting future awaits!

As always, I welcome any questions that you would like to ask me, and if there are any specific topics you would like me to cover in my future blog posts, please let me know by commenting here or emailing me at

Have a great day!

Adele x

My online course Success Formula For Shy Entrepreneurs is a complete blueprint for achieving success and happiness in your life.

Success Formula For Shy Entrepreneurs

I created it with shy and introverted people in mind.

It is a very simple to follow system and you will see results straight away.

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The course consists of videos, PDFs and a workbook.

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