A Day In The Life Of A Shy Entrepreneur

A Day In The Life Of A Shy Entrepreneur

  Hi, I’m Adele, I’m a shy entrepreneur and I run three businesses. I  love them all and I feel like I am in my element every day! (Watch the very short video above to see what a typical day looks like for me – although every day is different!)   Even...
Business tips for shy & quiet entrepreneurs

Business tips for shy & quiet entrepreneurs

  Hello! Welcome to my blog where I share success and confidence tips from a shy person’s point of view. I really believe that shy people can be successful in whatever they desire to do in life and I am passionate about showing others how to lead happier...
Anything is possible

Anything is possible

Hello!   Today I wanted to share a passage from a book that I found totally inspiring.   The book is called ‘You Are A Badass’ by Jen Sincero.  It’s an amazing book and this piece of text is taken from the last chapter of the book.  I read...