My Blog
Life as a shy entrepreneur
A Year In The Life Of A Shy Entrepreneur
A few days ago I found a sentence that I had written on the front cover of my notepad at the beginning of the year. It said “2018 is going to be my best year ever!” It has certainly been quite a year! In May, following a fantastic trip to Las Vegas...
The Benefits of Gratitude Journalling
I came across an article recently about journalling and part of it was dedicated specifically to gratitude journalling and so I thought I would share, as developing an attitude of gratitude, I feel, plays a major part in how you create a life of happiness and success...
Easy Ways To Use The Law of Attraction
As you probably know already, I am passionate about the Law of Attraction. I have been since I watched The Secret back in 2005. I have since studied it in more detail and I’m always interested to read new books that emerge. A book that I always refer to on the...
New Business Update and more……
Hi there, I hope you're well and enjoying the summer whatever you may be doing. I’ve been in Spain for a week now, I didn’t feel like I was quite ready to come, there was so much to do in the UK with starting a new business and lots of other things that were going...
The Next Chapter….
Twenty one years ago, as a shy and timid, 24 year old, I joined a business that was to change my life forever. I didn't know it at the time, but my Kleeneze home shopping business was going to be the vehicle that allowed me to discover the amazing world of personal...
Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do
At times, being an entrepreneur can be so challenging. It can be a rollercoaster of a journey. Things can be going along swimmingly one moment and then we can experience major bumps in the road. Every entrepreneur goes through this, but sometimes it can feel like we...
How To Soar In Your Life And Business
We all have the ability to soar like eagles and we can all experience the thrill of soaring but sometimes we don't realise it, and we need a push in the right direction. Even baby eagles need a push when they leave the nest to fly for the first time. Everyone can...
How to make it happen for you in 2018
So, it's January and every year at this time, people make new year's resolutions and have every intention of continuing with them throughout the year hoping that they will see a positive difference show up in their lives in the next 12 months. What is it then, that...
What to do when you feel overwhelmed
Have you ever felt like you didn't know where to turn, maybe you have so much to do, you don't know what to do first? Or maybe sometimes you just don't know what to do next to move forward in your business. And you see successful people all around you who seem to know...
Are you shy or an introvert…….or both?
To say my life is busy and varied right now is an understatement! However I am feeling very happy and content. We have recently moved back to the UK for a while after living there for just over 3 years. We will still be visiting regularly though. I really like the...
Travelling, personal development and a new puppy!
We arrived back in England last week for the summer, I was really excited to come back this time, more than ever before really. We have been living in Spain for 3 years now, and it's the longest we have stayed there at one time. Yes we have been back to the UK for...
How to use the Law of Attraction in Your Network Marketing Business
I can’t imagine living today without knowing about the existence of The Law of Attraction. I first became aware of The Law of Attraction when I was introduced to The Secret film in 2005. I had always been a positive person, but didn't realise that this was...
10 Things To Help You To Feel Happy In Your Own Skin
When we are happy with ourselves, we are happier in all areas of life. This is something that I have come to learn on my journey of self development. I really recommend that you try out the things listed below as I know they will have a positive impact on your life....
My Top 5 Favourite Ted Talks
I have so much to thank Ted Talks for. They have contributed towards making me feel more confident, more relaxed, more inspired, more grateful, they have taught me how to be a better communicator, a better dreamer, they have encouraged me to think bigger, to follow...
How a few simple changes are making an amazing difference in 2017
So I thought a good idea for this blog post would be to share with you what is going on with me and the progress I have made so far in 2017. I can’t believe its already March! The year is certainly well under way! After a really long Christmas in the UK, we arrived...
How to control blushing
I wanted to write a blog post about blushing as the subject comes up so many times when I am talking to people. You may blush because you are self conscious, anxious and/or shy. Whatever the reason, it may be getting in the way of how you want to live your life. It...
Are you ready for a successful year?
Happy New Year! I hope you are having a great 2017 so far! I have been loving being at home for the Christmas period, we started the drive back from Spain on 21st December and arrived here on the 22nd, just enough time to put up the decorations, finalise the Christmas...
A perfect business for shy people
In this post I want to explain why I feel that network marketing is a perfect fit for shy people. Growing up being a shy person was not easy for me. I was always referred to as the ‘quiet one’ and this always made me feel even more self-conscious. At school, I dreaded...
How to use your subconscious mind for success
I am reading one of my favourite books of all time again at the moment: "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy. I have this book on my kindle device, but I am definitely going to invest in a paperback copy as well. I don't think I have ever...
30 Days In The Life Of A Shy Entrepreneur – Day 30
Well, here I am writing the last post of this 30 day blog. It has been a lot of fun, although sometimes it has been a little challenging too. Some nights I have been struggling to keep my eyes open whilst writing and I did in fact make some silly spelling mistakes...