My Blog

Life as a shy entrepreneur

The Benefits of Gratitude Journalling

I came across an article recently about journalling and part of it was dedicated specifically to gratitude journalling and so I thought I would share, as developing an attitude of gratitude, I feel, plays a major part in how you create a life of happiness and success...

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New Business Update and more……

Hi there, I hope you're well and enjoying the summer whatever you may be doing. I’ve been in Spain for a week now, I didn’t feel like I was quite ready to come, there was so much to do in the UK with starting a new business and lots of other things that were going...

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The Next Chapter….

Twenty one years ago, as a shy and timid, 24 year old, I  joined a business that was to change my life forever.  I didn't know it at the time, but my Kleeneze home shopping business was going to be the vehicle that allowed me to discover the amazing world of personal...

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What to do when you feel overwhelmed

Have you ever felt like you didn't know where to turn, maybe you have so much to do, you don't know what to do first? Or maybe sometimes you just don't know what to do next to move forward in your business. And you see successful people all around you who seem to know...

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My Top 5 Favourite Ted Talks

I have so much to thank Ted Talks for.  They have contributed towards making me feel more confident, more relaxed, more inspired, more grateful, they have taught me how to be a better communicator, a better dreamer, they have encouraged me to think bigger, to follow...

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How to control blushing

How to control blushing

I wanted to write a blog post about blushing as the subject comes up so many times when I am talking to people. You may blush because you are self conscious, anxious and/or shy.  Whatever the reason, it may be getting in the way of how you want to live your life.  It...

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A perfect business for shy people

A perfect business for shy people

In this post I want to explain why I feel that network marketing is a perfect fit for shy people. Growing up being a shy person was not easy for me. I was always referred to as the ‘quiet one’ and this always made me feel even more self-conscious. At school, I dreaded...

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